Saturday, April 27, 2024

Session 72


  • Tower of the heavens

  • Snake lake

The party

  • Bob (human cleric)

  • Dan (human ranger)

  • Dernard (human magic user)

  • Kaya (dwarven fighter/cleric)

  • Ryan (half-elven thief)

  • Valis (elven fighter)


  • 39 (handed out in session 73)


  • At tower of the heavens

    • Dernard summoned a familiar. Welcome Dasid to the team.

    • Shelfie handed out prophecies to the characters.

    • Party told Shelfie where Shackle keep is, so he could stay in contact if needed.

    • Party asked Shelfie about the friend of the castellan, but he didn't know this person.

  • At snake lake

    • Party entered dungeon via secret passage and encountered traps and un-dwarves waiting.

    • Party retreated, being followed by two mechanical snakes, which were defeated outdoors.

    • Party entered dungeon again and encountered an even larger group of un-dwarves.

    • Party negotiated with un-dwarves and made a deal

      • Kaya got her circlet back.

      • Un-dwarves got 400 gold pieces.

      • Most of the party promised to never return here.

Sunday, April 21, 2024


Welcome to Dernard's Notes.

I'm a player in an AD&D campaign, and will use this blog as a place to collect all my maps, notes and other things about this campaign.

A summary about the campaign can be found on the AD&D (2022) page.

Session 86 – “I did not expect the hobgoblin Red Cross”

 Map of the orc cave Alternative titles “The whitespace saved us” “To be rootly disturbed” “The oversnack problem” Location(s) C...