Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Session 79 – “I have a triangle now”

Map of the desert

Map of Amun-ra's tomb

Alternative titles

  • “Ryan is your Wünschelrute now”

  • “Oh boy, you all suck”

  • “Sexy dwarf, in a minimum amount of time”

  • “Art and bad choices”


  • The desert

  • Temple complex

  • Tomb of Amun-ra

The party

  • Dan (human ranger)

  • Dernard (human magic user)

  • Kaya (dwarven fighter/cleric)

  • Nigel (dwarven fighter)

  • Ryan (half-elven thief)

  • The Hainfelder (dwarven fighter)

  • Valis (elven fighter)


  • 18


  • None


  • Another member of the Hainfelder clan joined us

  • Meet ghost of Amun-ra

    • Asked us to look his temple, only leaving a boat for his journey to the afterlife

    • Lead us to the temple complex in the West

  • Met Thun Dervishes at the gate to temple complex

    • Didn’t want us to loot the tomb

    • Let us enter it to worship

  • Entered temple complex and went up stairs into tomb of Amun-ra

    • Found some secret doors

    • Nigel summoned his inner Valis and touched some statues inappropriately

    • Valis summoned his inner Nigel and almost died jumping into the water shaft

    • Found a “treasure room”, we said our good-byes to Nigel, he survived though

    • Nothing was to be found

    • Heard somebody coming towards us the way we had arrived from

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Session 78 – “Ride the worm wind”

Map of the pyramid tomb

Map of the desert


  • The desert

  • Tomb of the djinn

The party

  • Bob (human cleric)

  • Dernard (human magic user)

  • Kaya (dwarven fighter/cleric)

  • Nigel (dwarven fighter)

  • Ryan (half-elven thief)

  • Valis (elven fighter)


  • 88


  • None


  • Went through the portal and journeyed through the desert

    • Had prepared a sled to carry our things

  • Reached two pillars in the sand

    • Remains of a road and way stones lead away from it

    • Followed the old road

  • Encountered a giant sand worm and fled

  • Reached some hills where we camped during the heat of the day

  • Continued our journey and reached a fallen obelisk

    • Road splits here

    • Inscriptions on obelisk:

      • “Road of kings”

      • “City of gardens” (the left path?)

      • “Tomb of [some name]” (the right path?)

  • Continued travelling to the left and reached a statue in the sand

    • Inscriptions on tablet of statue:

      • “Look on ruins of great city and despair”

      • “Great magic”

      • “Mens works”

  • Dernard and Kaya fell into a sink hole, the others followed after them

    • Were in a huge dome under the sand

    • Found a building in the dome

    • Found a golden, sealed door in the building

    • Found some inscriptions in the building

      • “Sacr Al Gimi”

      • “Amdula”

      • “Bismila and Duvan”

      • Later discovered to be passwords for golden door

    • Read the inscriptions on the golden door (via Read Magic spell)

      • “Do not disturb the vanquished one”

      • “He is the treasure that must be kept”

    • Encountered a water spirit (or something) above ground that answered three questions

      • Who is the vanquished one? Sacr Al Gimi

      • How to open golden doors? Pass right hand before them and speak his name

      • Last question wasted because Nigel is Nigel

    • Entered room behind the golden door

      • Walls of light blocked the path

      • Blue = ice magic, yellow = lightning, red = fire (probably)

      • Nigel got temporarily frozen

      • Used the passwords to get though the walls

      • Found a giant oil lamp

      • Unsealed the lamp and summoned the Djinn

      • Wants to lay waste to the land (already a desert, so no issue?)

      • Djinn left

  • Climbed out the sink hole again to return to the pyramid

    • Encountered a ghost in the sand dunes

Session 86 – “I did not expect the hobgoblin Red Cross”

 Map of the orc cave Alternative titles “The whitespace saved us” “To be rootly disturbed” “The oversnack problem” Location(s) C...