Map of the desert
Map of Amun-ra's tomb
Alternative titles
“Ryan is your Wünschelrute now”
“Oh boy, you all suck”
“Sexy dwarf, in a minimum amount of time”
“Art and bad choices”
The desert
Temple complex
Tomb of Amun-ra
The party
Dan (human ranger)
Dernard (human magic user)
Kaya (dwarven fighter/cleric)
Nigel (dwarven fighter)
Ryan (half-elven thief)
The Hainfelder (dwarven fighter)
Valis (elven fighter)
Another member of the Hainfelder clan joined us
Meet ghost of Amun-ra
Asked us to look his temple, only leaving a boat for his journey to the afterlife
Lead us to the temple complex in the West
Met Thun Dervishes at the gate to temple complex
Didn’t want us to loot the tomb
Let us enter it to worship
Entered temple complex and went up stairs into tomb of Amun-ra
Found some secret doors
Nigel summoned his inner Valis and touched some statues inappropriately
Valis summoned his inner Nigel and almost died jumping into the water shaft
Found a “treasure room”, we said our good-byes to Nigel, he survived though
Nothing was to be found
Heard somebody coming towards us the way we had arrived from