Map of Laserkeep Interior
Map of the Place of the Guardian
Alternative titles
“I lick the water”
“Some people say fun raft, some say bait”
“H.M.S. Fun Raft”
“Do you think it’s a good idea to tie a magic gem stone tom my head?”
“It’s an evil priest, but it smells bad”
“As you bömpf”
“I was ready for violence”
“You can lick it and find out”
“I carefully smash it”
“Why do we do anything?”
The party
Dan (human ranger)
Dernard (human magic user)
Kaya (dwarven fighter/cleric)
Valis (elven fighter)
Not yet handed out
1 wooden staff (magic?)
1 talisman
1 glass vial with a green liquid
1 golden ring
1 medallion
Arrived at the place of the guardian
Torm and Nigel didn’t arrive with us
Guardian was a frog like stone creature
Sat on top of a stone chest on top of a stone throne
Dan angered the creature, it attacked and we fled down some stairs
Arrived at a flooded cave
Lured half a dozen skeletons out of the water and defeated them
Valis went swimming to explore the lake
Too wide for a rope
Stairs end under water
Valis almost got lost in the cave
Considered the cave a dead end
Returned to the guardian
Agitated it, it started to approach us
Retreated to the stairs
Dernard used magic wand, the guardian started to grow
We jumped into the water before it could attack
Seems the guardian exploded, because it was gone after we returned
Opened the stone chest
1 wooden staff
1 talisman
1 glass vial with a green liquid
Returned to the shrine to rest
Saw somebody in the altar room
Thought it was Torm and attacked
Was the demon guard though
It created magic darkness
Dan convinced the demon it was all Nigels fault
The demon left
Returned to the place of the guardian to rest for three days
We were in very bad shape
Returned to the shrine, and teleported back to the tower
Tried to teleport to the mountain, but it didn’t work
Got attacked by the mage and the archer we had fled from before
Dan used the teleporter at random
Ended up going to the dungeon
Dungeon was mostly abandoned and little of value left
Found a ladder up
We assumed the dungeon was under the tower
So the room above would contain three trolls
This was correct
Managed to fight off one of the trolls
Other two trolls got dealt with by Dernards magic wand
With a large amount of luck involved
Managed to climb up back into the tower and fled
Stayed the night in one of the outer towers
Managed to return to Shackle Keep
Home, sweet home!