Alternative titles
“I’d totally love to touch that rock”
“Dwarf and a hippie step out of a forest”
“I am the shadow”
“Touching grass is not enough, I have to hit rock bottom”
“There is a four digit number of butterflies in your vision”
“Mount a butterfly and ride into chaos”
“A black hole is basically a tie”
The party
Dan (human ranger)
Dernard (human magic user)
Kaya (dwarven fighter/cleric)
Ryan (half-elven thief)
Valis (elven fighter)
Not yet handed out
1 silver chain
15 GP
Discovered a serpent that was eating itself
“Killing” it caused the pieces to grow new heads
Discovered a camp site of humans
Yellow/white robes
Big stone in camp
Masons carved the symbol of the empire into the stone
Approached the camp
“Greeted” by humans
Led by Sir Aravin
Came from the borderlands keep
Basically friendly
Heard Aravans version of the attack on their camp
Followed tracks to search for the attackers of the camp
Ventured into the cursed forest
Encountered six centaurs
They were following the attackers of the human camp, but had lost them
Joined the centaurs to search for the attackers
Ryan makes a friend amongst the centaurs: Yuticus
Follow tracks and find five robed figures
Black/purple robes
Assumed we had the upper hand and started to attack
They were five undead spellcasters, so this was a bad idea
Defeated the spellcasters in combat
Dernard explored more of the options of the wand of random things
Followed more tracks
Discovered a crack in a crag
Assumed the undead had been heading here
Session ended here