Notes on the Gem Door Dungeon


Door 1

  • Magically sealed door

  • 9 gems embedded into the door

    • Behind a clear layer, so the gems can’t be removed

  • Gems can be pressed to enter a password/code

    • After 4 presses damage happens if the password/code is incorrect

    • Touching gems with inanimate objects (e.g. a sword) directly does damage

  • Gems arranged in diamond shape (basically 3×3 with a 45° rotation)

    • Order of gems:

      • Emerald

      • Moonstone, Amethyst

      • Pearl, Ruby, Topaz

      • Opal, Nephrite

      • Sapphire

  • Writing around the door and around the gems

    • Some form of Elvish, Valid couldn’t read it though

    • Matching the writing of the gems to writing on the door:

      • Topaz – Ruby – Amethyst – Pearl

      • First letters spell: TRAP

      • Didn’t try to enter this

  • Correct password/code:

    • Opal – Pearl – Emerald – Nephrite

    • First letters spell: OPEN

    • Suggested by Nigel, even before we found the TRAP spelling

Door 2

  • Magically sealed door

  • Couldn’t find a solution in session 75

  • Writing around the door (in readable Elvish)

    • “Cowardice”

    • “Sadness”

    • “Envy”

  • 5 gems (again behind clear layer)

    • Arranged in a bow

    • Order: forgot to write down

    • Ruby, Jet, Sapphire, Moonstone, Citrine

  • Gems can be pressed, damage after the 3rd press

    • Initially it seemed 4 presses are needed, but we might just have been wrong

  • Failed attempt 1: Antonyms

    • Antonyms to the three words: Courage, Joy, Sympathy

    • Lengths of the antonyms, and matching it to the lengths of the gem names

    • Citrine – Jet – Sapphire

  • Failed attempt 2: Lengths of words

    • Matching lengths of the three words, to the lengths of the gem names

    • Moonstone – Citrine – Ruby

  • Failed attempt 3: Colours and emotions

    • Matching colours associated with the three emotions to the gems

    • Cowardice: White (e.g. a white flag)

    • Sadness: Blue

    • Envy: Green (no green gem though; picking yellow instead)

    • Moonstone – Sapphire – Citrine

  • No more attempts in session session 75

    • We were running out of HP

  • Observation: The second letters of the game names

    • Match AEIOU

    • Might be irrelevant

    • But since this is the second door, maybe there is something relevant here

    • The second letters of three words thou would be OAN, so the ‘N’ is an outlier

Door 2 – Solution to try #1: Matching Gem colors to emotion colors

What colors are the actual gems?

  • Ruby => Red

  • Jet => Black

  • Sapphire => Blue

  • Moonstone => Various colors, could be green

  • Citrine => Yellow

The three emotions also have colors associated with them

  • Cowardice => Yellow

  • Sadness => Blue

  • Envy => Green

If the Moonstone was green, then we could match the stones to the emotions

  • Citrine

  • Sapphire

  • Moonstone

But why not use a emerald for the green stone?

Door 2 – Solution to try #2: Spelling OPEN

The first door could be opened by spelling OPEN.

  • Moonstone => the only stone that has an O.

  • Sapphire => the only stone that has a P.

  • Jet => four stones have an E. This is the only one that isn’t used for the other letters.

  • Citrine => two stones have an E. Moonstone is already used for the O though.

The second door seems only to need 3 inputs, so probably not the answer.

Also, this doesn’t use the three emotions listed.

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