Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Session 33



  • Session summary added in retrospect (after session 76) since we re-entered the pyramid tomb.


  • Lake flake

  • Pyramid tomb (aka underwater tomb)

The party

  • Cor’rell (human cleric)

  • Dernard (human magic user)

  • Kaya (dwarven fighter/cleric)

  • Nigel (dwarven fighter)

  • Ryan (half-elven thief)


  • 238


  • N/A


  • Feradic the faery led us to lake Flake

  • The nixies of the lake had a problem and wanted our help

  • Gave us water breathing and lead us down into the lake

  • There was a portal that several nixies had entered and didn’t returned

  • We entered the portal and found an underwater tomb

  • Fought some mummies and searched for the missing nixies

  • We found them and left the tomb

  • Some treasure had to be left behind

  • Just in time as the portal closed

  • We were left with a ring that seemed to have opened the portal

  • We weren’t able to open the portal again

Session 86 – “I did not expect the hobgoblin Red Cross”

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