Friday, August 23, 2024

Session 85 – “Which turns Siegfried into Digfried”


Alternative titles

  • “The triangle of warning”


  • Cult cave (upstairs)

The party

  • Bob (human cleric)

  • Dernard (human magic user)

  • Kaya (dwarven fighter/cleric)

  • Oriana (dwarven fighter)

  • Ryan (half-elven thief)

  • Valis (elven fighter)


  • 16


  • None


  • Bob and Ryan reached the ravine

    • Brought Oriana with her

    • She is sister of Kaya

    • Had travelled with the other dwarves we met at the keep

  • Inspected markings in ravine

    • Wanted to destroy them

    • Mostly gone because of weather though

  • Went into cult cave to destroy altar

    • Initially resisted our dwarves

    • After casting Bless onto it, we could destroy it

    • Moved the rubble out of the cave

    • Seemed to have done nothing

  • Encountered another faery which fled

    • Later found a dead faery in the cave near the place we found the first one

  • Camped in the cave near the place we found the first faery

    • Saw some glowing red dust

    • Got attacked by vampire-chicken-thingies at nightmare

    • Relocated camp to abandoned scribes chamber

  • Next day tracked the dust towards the collapsed corridors

    • Somehow couldn’t touch the dust with our hands

    • Excavated the corridor (took some days)

  • Went into the dark tunnel behind

    • Full of tree sap

    • Fought some rats

    • Sap tried to eat Dernard and managed to eat Kaya

    • Is it really sap, or slime?

    • Fired magic missiles at sap which retreated

    • Valis and Ryan scouted ahead

    • Found a room full of roots and sap

      • Seem to cover something (a cocoon?)

  • Left the cave to return to the hobgoblins

    • Planned to get reinforcements to fight the thing in the cocoon

  • The trees near the ravine started attacked

    • The hobgoblin cave was cut off, couldn’t reach it any more

    • Saw an orc getting dragged away

    • Session ended with a cliffhanger here


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