Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Session 73 - "We suck at riddles"


  • The Hill (monastery, ogres caves, witches cottage)

  • Tomb of Cotum

The party

  • Bob (human cleric)

  • Dernard (human magic user)

  • Kaya (dwarven fighter/cleric)

  • Nigel (dwarven fighter)

  • Ryan (half-elven thief)

  • Valis (elven fighter)


  • 192 (handed out in session 74)

  • XP for session 72 handed out


  • Dagger (magical?)

  • 2 crystals (eyes from statues)


  • Journey back to the monastery

    • Dog got attacked in the middle of the night.

    • Attacker wasn’t found.

  • At monastery (at the hill)

    • Petrified ogre discovered. Saved with the ring of Aris.

    • Fought a centipede infestation.

    • Researching the silver princess in the barons book.

      • Baron was searching for the palace of the silver princess.

      • A map is needed to get there.

      • According to the witches, Ryan has the key.

  • At ogres caves (at the hill)

    • Ogres told us about a woman that came to our monastery. Didn’t know who she was.

    • Ogres didn’t know anything about Merith

  • At the witches cottage (at the hill)

    • Didn’t know anything about Merith.

    • Had met the silver princess long time ago in the past.

    • Told us Ryan has the key to find her palace.

    • Wanted the head of the ogre.

  • Journey to lake flake

    • Pony got attacked in the middle of the night.

    • Attacker wasn’t found.

  • Discovered the tomb of Cotum

    • Saw smoke in the distance as well as a structure nearby.

    • Went to the structure. A building in a lake with doors on all sides.

    • Inside were two large, bronze statues, with crystal eyes and four figurines in their palms (red, blue, green and amber)

    • A long inscription was at the pedestal, where parts of it could be pressed like buttons.

      • Some text made the figurines shine with light.

      • Some text opened a secret door, leading downwards.

      • Some text turned on light in the room downwards.

    • Downwards was a big sarcophagus

      • Inside was a skeleton, a bag of gems and a dagger.

      • Dernard took the dagger, Kaya the gems (she had a bad feeling about them).

      • Kaya smashed the skull of the skeleton, per tradition.

    • Ryan found a secret door, leading further down.

      • Found two dozens of smaller sarcophagi (more like coffins).

      • Opened the first, and smashed the skeletons skull.

      • All other coffins opened and skeletons came out.

      • We went back upwards to create a bottleneck for the fight.

    • The big sarcophagus opened

      • Started to fight the skeleton from the big sarcophagus.

      • The skeletons from further down bowed to Kaya and fought against the bigger skeleton.

      • When it was defeated, all skeletons turned to dust.

      • Returned back down and collected some gold from the coffins.

    • Went back to the very first room.

      • The doors were gone.

      • Many shadows appeared and started to attack us.

      • Dernard tried to push various texts in the pedestal, which didn’t seem to help.

      • Ryan returned the figurines to the statues

      • Nigel took the gems from Kaya and brought them back to the sarcophagus.

      • The doors reappeared.

      • Nigel took two of the crystals from the statues eyes.

      • Everybody left the tomb and we closed the door behind.

      • Plans were made to return to get what we had to leave behind.

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