Monday, May 20, 2024

Session 76 – “Only you can prevent forest fires”



  • Brewery goblins lair

  • Lake flake

  • Pyramid tomb (aka underwater tomb)

The party

  • Bob (human cleric)

  • Dernard (human magic user)

  • Kaya (dwarven fighter/cleric)

  • Nigel (dwarven fighter)

  • Valis (elven fighter)


  • 31

  • XP for session 75 handed out


  • From pyramid tomb

    • Metal spears, 6x (from wooden statues, not sure if valuable)

    • Necklace (from black statue)

    • Gemstones, 2x (Tigereye)


  • Tried to kill brewery goblin leader

    • Set brewery on fire

    • Goblins didn’t show up

    • Centaurs did and gave us a lesson on preventing forest fires

  • Returned to lake Flake

    • Nixes gave us another circlet (was in pieces, but Nixies fixed it for us)

    • Nixies opened another portal on the shore of the lake

  • Entered portal

    • Was the same underwater tomb we encountered in session 33

    • Explored various, formerly unexplored rooms

    • Room with wooden statues

    • Room with rotten stuff on the floor

    • Room with large statue of woman and smaller cat statues

    • Room with unopened sarcophagus and solid gold throne

      • For safety reasons didn’t open the sarcophagus

      • Couldn’t get the throne out because of its weight

    • Nixies told us the portal would stay open for another week

    • Left the dungeon via the three portcullises

    • Found ourselves in a large plain of black sand and a pyramid behind us

    • Planned an expedition to something we saw in the distance

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