Alternative titles
“A little pissing on the smouldering remains of your enemies”
“But it is cleric piss”
“How big is the squirrel? Squirrel sized!”
Squirrel Square
The party
Bob (human cleric)
Dernard (human magic user)
Kaya (dwarven fighter/cleric)
Valis (elven fighter)
3 tiger eye gems
1 sceptre
Valis saw a lady ghost
When he told us about her, she was already gone
One month later the lady ghost was back
We followed her, but got interrupted by a troll
So we lost sight again
Another month later we saw her again and followed her
She lead us to a place with a stone block (an altar?) and four “angel” statues on top of some pedestals
Found a sleeping squirrel
Kaya placed it on a tree so it wouldn’t get hurt
Pedestal 1: Acid pool trap
Magic wall you can walk through
Shaft going downwards
Slimy handholds
Pool of water at the bottom with a metal plate at the bottom
“Water” is acid
Maybe there is a slime monster inside (it might be dead already)
Nothing of value could be found
Pedestal 2: Locked room trap
Small locked room in the pedestals
Found a skeleton and some tiger eye gems
Kaya got locked in for a moment, but from the outside the door could be opened
Took the skeleton with us to give it a proper burial
Pedestal 3: Slide trap
Four keyholes that didn’t do anything
Were just able to open a door
At the bottom was another door
Touching the floor created a slide
Managed to enter the door
Found three rooms
One was empty
One had a sceptre (taken by Valis)
One had an almost completely empty vial (taken by Dernard)
After taking the things this rooms collapsed
Pedestal 4: Another trap?
One keyhole
Couldn’t pick it, so tried to break it open
Weren’t able though and just attacked some displacer beasts
Killed one of them before the others fled
In the mouth of the statue above was something (a half-sphere with a hole)
Maybe there is a trap that would have been triggered by picking the lock?
Under the altar: Blade trap with illusions
Pushed the altar away
Lots of blades, some visible others triggered by unseen wires
Saw gold and firelight down
Threw a log down to break the blades and wires
Dasid went down, but the gold and light was gone, the room was empty
It was just an illusion