Monday, July 29, 2024

Session 81 – “Shacklekeep Stories II: This is the most average squirrel there is”

Alternative titles

  • “A little pissing on the smouldering remains of your enemies”

  • “But it is cleric piss”

  • “How big is the squirrel? Squirrel sized!”


  • Squirrel Square

The party

  • Bob (human cleric)

  • Dernard (human magic user)

  • Kaya (dwarven fighter/cleric)

  • Valis (elven fighter)


  • 183


  • 3 tiger eye gems

  • 1 sceptre


  • Valis saw a lady ghost

    • When he told us about her, she was already gone

  • One month later the lady ghost was back

    • We followed her, but got interrupted by a troll

    • So we lost sight again

  • Another month later we saw her again and followed her

    • She lead us to a place with a stone block (an altar?) and four “angel” statues on top of some pedestals

  • Found a sleeping squirrel

    • Kaya placed it on a tree so it wouldn’t get hurt

  • Pedestal 1: Acid pool trap

    • Magic wall you can walk through

    • Shaft going downwards

    • Slimy handholds

    • Pool of water at the bottom with a metal plate at the bottom

    • “Water” is acid

    • Maybe there is a slime monster inside (it might be dead already)

    • Nothing of value could be found

  • Pedestal 2: Locked room trap

    • Small locked room in the pedestals

    • Found a skeleton and some tiger eye gems

    • Kaya got locked in for a moment, but from the outside the door could be opened

    • Took the skeleton with us to give it a proper burial

  • Pedestal 3: Slide trap

    • Four keyholes that didn’t do anything

    • Were just able to open a door

    • At the bottom was another door

    • Touching the floor created a slide

    • Managed to enter the door

    • Found three rooms

      • One was empty

      • One had a sceptre (taken by Valis)

      • One had an almost completely empty vial (taken by Dernard)

    • After taking the things this rooms collapsed

  • Pedestal 4: Another trap?

    • One keyhole

    • Couldn’t pick it, so tried to break it open

    • Weren’t able though and just attacked some displacer beasts

    • Killed one of them before the others fled

    • In the mouth of the statue above was something (a half-sphere with a hole)

    • Maybe there is a trap that would have been triggered by picking the lock?

  • Under the altar: Blade trap with illusions

    • Pushed the altar away

    • Lots of blades, some visible others triggered by unseen wires

    • Saw gold and firelight down

    • Threw a log down to break the blades and wires

    • Dasid went down, but the gold and light was gone, the room was empty

    • It was just an illusion

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