Notes on the Spider-Elf Dungeon

  • Copied runes of #37
  • Spider people
    • Ulwan, Leader of rebels/traitors
    • Vald, Guide of the rebels/traitors
    • Kalem, Leader of the main faction
    • Garlom, Student of Kalem
    • Klinker, Shifty gnome
    • Paioria, ? sage
      • Skeleton found in level 3 of standing stones dungeon
  • City: Habrira
  • Magic word to open door: Paioria
  • Founding stone
    • Info from Paioria (talked via the harp)
    • Can be found in base of complex
    • Need to go through three doors
  • Scroll from secret room (#20)
    • Northern hero
    • Slew giants
    • Sword “Frostrazor”, made out of ice
      • Someone was trying to find/conjure it
    • Secret writing about a stone
      • Nameless, ancient
      • Endless, will survive
      • Answers question
        • Payment is eternal servitude
      • Not for mortals

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